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Pastor Matthew Fanning
Store > The Gospel of John ~ Christ's Glory Revealed
The Gospel of John ~ Christ's Glory Revealed

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Price: $20.00

9 CD's ~ John 17 - 21

When Jesus spoke of Himself being glorified, He was referring to the suffering of the
cross as well as to His resurrection and exaltation. This series takes a look at the high
priestly prayer, the religious and civil trial of God, the meaning of “blood and water
fl owing out of His side”, and the connection between the passion of Jesus and the fall
of Adam and Eve in the garden.

1 • The Prayer of Our High Priest (John 17)       6 • In the Garden (John 18)
2 • I Have Manifested Thy Name (John 17)        7 • Blood & Water Poured Out His Side (John 19)
3 • That My Joy May Be in You (John 17)            8 • The Gardener? Jesus is Risen (John 19–20)
4 • Pilate and the Truth (John 18)                         9 • What Shall This Man Do? (John 21)
5 • Trial By the High Priest (John 18)